With You Through
Each Phase of the Journey

Whether you are looking for a one-time appointment or ongoing support, there are options for every situation. Currently, services are not covered by insurance: time and space for a single provider to address physical, emotional and spiritual needs for each patient is not yet an option. My dream is that one day it will be.


Available Appointments and Packages

  • Seed Session (15 Mins)

    First-Time Discovery Call Complementary

  • One Hour Session

    Investment: $548

    One hour session to address a concrete issue or plan build for a trimester or year long package.

  • One Trimester Package

    Inquire for pricing

    3 month long intensive agreement designed to take you through your specific trimester journey. Ideal for patients who need basic supplemental support through care. Medical record review and storage part of this package.

    Private client email and text access.

    Option to roll into multiple trimester/one year package at reduced cost.

  • One Year Package

    Inquire for pricing

    Year long intensive agreement designed to take you through your journey

    Private client email and text access

    Ideal for patients with acute focused issue or complication requiring extended support


 What phase are you in?

Scroll to explore how we can work together.

Note: Due to the essential need to protect your privacy and information, please note Sesame Care, a telehealth platform, will add an additional booking fee. This fee will approximate 10%, but never exceed $100. For those booking packages, this is a one time fee only. Thank you for your understanding 💙


Phase one


This phase encompasses any issues you may have until you’re really pregnant. Struggling with an issue prior to conceiving? We can have a “preconceptual call”. If you’ve had a loss, and need to grieve, are struggling with infertility, suffering with reproductive pregnancy loss—It doesn’t matter whether the issue is physical or emotional, I can offer you a fresh perspective and the support you need.

Phase Two


At any stage of pregnancy, whether you feel you need support around understanding a single visit, a single test you need to do or an hour of time, I’m here. A larger package of more time will allow us to work together through a diagnosis that lasts longer that you want to understand, and need to learn how to better educate and advocate for yourself. Placenta previa, preterm labor, short cervix, bed rest-these are just some examples of conditions I will guide you though. If you know you want my support for the entire duration, I can do that for you as well. Each package gives you ACCESS—the ability to break down your sessions into chunks of time that allow check-ins, follow ups, a quick question. I will respond to you directly and make time for you when you need it.

Phase Three


Through the postpartum period, many issues arise that require a visit or two for support. More often, women struggle with baby blues, postpartum depression or anxiety, or just feel overwhelmed by the physical and emotional challenges of new motherhood. I offer a 5 hour and a 10 hour package here as well, but instead of spreading it out over time, I can be there for you in a once or twice a week intensive fashion to make sure you are getting what you need.

Give the gift of caring

Know someone you love who could use help? gift them a session or package.

Not sure what package is best for you?

Book a Free 15-minute Intro Call!

 Blue Moon Pays it Forward

As we grow, we are working toward scholarship programs and look forward to the day we can support all women in need. I’m so glad that you have chosen to be a part of this sisterhood.

Blue Moon Perinatal, LLC does not provide direct medical services. Blue Moon Perinatal, LLC provides coaching and support services intended to complement the medical care provided by your physicians. Blue Moon Perinatal, LLC’s services are not covered by health insurance. Dr. Shevell and her staff will not diagnose, order labs or other diagnostic tests, or make treatment recommendations.